Bhojpuri singer Neha Singh Rathore shared a video on social media alleging that she was involved in a road accident with a government vehicle near Lodhi Colony in Delhi. In the video, Rathore confronts the driver and accuses him of being drunk. She explains that while returning from Noida, a speeding Nexon car bearing the "Bharat Sarkar" sticker suddenly appeared in front of their cab. Rathore assures her safety but mentions that her companion, Himanshu, suffered a minor knee injury in the incident. Rathore emphasises the importance of making the accident public by sharing the video. Delhi Road Accident: Three Killed, Four Others Injured After Car Collides With Truck on Badarpur Flyover.
Neha Singh Rathore Shares Video of Alleged Cab Accident
अभी थोड़ी देर पहले नोएडा से वापस आते समय लोधी कॉलोनी के पास मेरी कैब का एक्सीडेंट हो गया.
एक तेज रफ़्तार nexon गाड़ी अचानक हमारी कैब के सामने आ गई. nexon गाड़ी पर भारत सरकार लिखा हुआ था.
मैं सुरक्षित हूँ. हिमांशु के घुटने में मामूली चोट लगी है.
हम लोग मेरे इंटरव्यू के…
— Neha Singh Rathore (@nehafolksinger) March 20, 2024
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