A bizarre incident occurred on Saturday, November 11, during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's rally in Telangana. While PM Narendra Modi was addressing a public rally in Secunderabad, a woman reportedly climbed a light tower to speak to him. A video of the incident has also gone viral on social media. The 1-minute eight-second video clip shows a young woman climbing the light tower to speak to PM Modi during his speech in Telangana's Secunderabad. As the video moves further, the Indian Prime Minister is seen stopping his speech and requesting the young woman to come down. "Beta Neeche Aao," PM Modi can be heard asking the young woman. PM Narendra Modi is also heard telling the young woman that he will listen to her. PM Narendra Modi Consoles Emotional MRPS Chief Manda Krishna Madiga During Public Rally in Hyderabad (Watch Video).

Woman Climbs Light Tower During PM Modi's Speech

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