In yet another horrific incident, a security guard at an apartment in Bengaluru's Sampigehalli was assaulted by a delivery boy and his friends late Saturday night. The guard was attacked after an argument over the bag check of a delivery executive escalated. When the delivery executive arrived at the apartment where the assaulted man was on duty, he let him in after procedural questions. However, on his way back, the executive was stopped by the security guard who insisted the former open his carry bag before leaving the premises. The demand for a bag check was not well received by the executive and this led to an argument between the two. moment later, the delivery boy can be seen thrashing the security guard. Soon after, the delivery boy's friends join him (delivery boy) and brutally thrash the delivery boy. Police have registered case and investigation is underway. Chhattisgarh Shocker: Wife Too Drunk to Wake Up For Work, Man Axes Her to Death in Raigarh; Arrested.
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A security guard was assaulted by a delivery boy and his friends in #Bengaluru. The fight was apparently triggered by an argument over bag checks.@dpkBopanna reports
— Mirror Now (@MirrorNow) January 22, 2023
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