In a disturbing incident in Bengaluru, a 20-year-old college student and his friend were harassed and threatened by an auto-rickshaw driver. The driver, after completing the ride, demanded an additional 200 INR out of nowhere, overcharging the fare of 380 INR, as shown on the app. When the students refused to pay the extra amount, the driver became aggressive, using racial slurs and threatening to physically harm them. He even called two of his intoxicated friends to intimidate the students further. Fearing for their safety, the students were forced to pay 500 INR (400 INR in cash and 100 INR via UPI) to avoid further confrontation. Despite their fear, the students bravely reported the incident, hoping to raise awareness about the troubling behaviour of certain auto drivers in the city. Bengaluru Shocker: Woman Murders Mother With Boyfriend’s Help to Hide Secret Relationship, Attempts to Cover Up Crime; Arrested.
Auto Driver Harasses College Students, Demands Extra Fare
Had to pay him 500rs (400cash + 100upi) instead of 380rs(as shown on app) so he leaves me and my friend alone as he called two of his drunk friends who were going to beat us. Continuously calling us slurs. @CMofKarnataka @GabbbarSingh @gharkekalesh @abhiandniyu @juspay
— Fak3eer (@fak3eer) December 6, 2024
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