In a shocking incident, a man in Bengaluru’s JP Nagar 8th Phase, Shekar Layout, ran over a stray dog sleeping in the middle of the road with his Thar on December 31, 2024. The horrifying moment was caught on CCTV and has gone viral, sparking widespread outrage. The footage shows the red Thar slowing down near the dog, but as the dog tries to escape, the vehicle runs over it. The dog’s screams of pain are heard as the Thar quickly drives away. Reports indicate the dog later succumbed to its injuries. In response to the viral video, Bengaluru City Police confirmed that an FIR has been filed at the Thalaghathapura Police Station under BNS 325 and PCA 1960, and the vehicle involved has been seized. Legal action is currently underway. Dog Attack in Bengaluru: Woman Attacked by Stray Dog in OMBR Layout, Saved by Locals (Watch Video).

Man Runs Over Stray Dog with Thar in Bengaluru (Trigger Warning)

Bengaluru Police Take Action After Thar Runs Over Stray Dog

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