A disturbing video of a man being chased and crushed to death by an SUV on a busy road in Karnataka's Bengaluru has surfaced on social media. The incident reportedly occurred in the Pulikeshi Nagar area of the city on October 18 at 12:30 am. The gruesome act was captured on a mobile phone by a passerby. According to media reports, Asgar, a second-hand car dealer, was brutally killed by a customer who owed him Rs 4 lakh. The customer, Amreen, drove the car over Asgar and tried to run him over twice more when he tried to flee. The third attempt proved fatal for Asgar, who succumbed to his injuries. Bengaluru Shocker: Young Woman Sexually Harassed by Elderly Man in Lulu Mall, Police Begin Probe as Video Goes Viral.

Man Chased, Crushed to Death by SUV

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