Bengaluru, August 20: In a video that has surfaced online, an ambulance was seen crashing into a car on the Electronic City Flyover bridge in Bengaluru on August 19. The car, while making way for the speeding ambulance crashed into the slow-moving Yulu bike in front of it. The ambulance tried to overtake the car, but in this attempt, it crashed with the car, upturning it. The crash reportedly injured a man. However, no official reports have yet been published. As these Yulu bikes come with a set speed and power limit, no driving licence is required to ride them. This accident led to netizens seeking a ban on Yulu bikes on flyovers. Bengaluru Road Accident: Speeding Water Tanker Mows Down Two Siblings Travelling on Scooter Near Electronics City.
Car Crash on Electronic City Flyover in Bengaluru
Accident on Electronic City flyover bridge #Bengaluru
Car wanted to give space to speeding ambulance but was tossed after crashing into a slow moving Yulu bike
Motorcycle caused the accident? Cuz ambulances are allowed to be rash?
— Nabila Jamal (@nabilajamal_) August 20, 2024
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