In a shocking incident in Bengaluru, a young man was brutally murdered after sending messages to the girlfriend of another man. The accused, identified as Samar and his friend Sangam, allegedly killed Vikram Singh and Chhoto Turi after becoming enraged over the messages. Vikram Singh, originally from Nepal, and Chhoto Turi, from Bihar, were both security guards at a factory where the gruesome attack took place. Their bodies have been sent for post-mortem. Reports suggest that Vikram Singh had been sending messages to Samar's girlfriend and even attempted to video call her. Furious over this, Samar, along with his friend Sangam, went to Vikram's duty station at the factory, where they confronted him and attacked him. In the ensuing struggle, Chhoto Turi, who tried to intervene, was also killed. The two assailants, Samar and Sangam, both from Nepal, have been arrested. Atul Subhash Suicide Case: Nikita Singhania Accused Estranged Husband of Harassment, Abuse in Police Complaint; Said He Treated the Husband-Wife Relationship ‘Like a Beast’.
Boyfriend Kills 2 Security Guards for Sending Messages to His Girlfriend
बैंगलुरु मे गर्लफ्रेंड को मेसेज करने वाले युवक पर प्रेमी को इतना गुस्सा आया की उसने लाशें बिछा दी। मेसेज करने वाले सिक्योरिटी गार्ड युवक सहित 2 की हत्या कर दी गई। मृतक विक्रम सिंह नेपाल व छोटो तुरी निवासी बिहार के शव पोस्टमार्टम को भेजे गए है। क़ातिल समर व संगम निवासी नेपाल…
— TRUE STORY (@TrueStoryUP) December 13, 2024
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