Amid the ongoing Bengaluru bandh, the Karnataka government today refused to further release the Cauvery river water for Tamil Nadu. According to news agency ANI, in the 87th Meeting of Cauvery Water Regulation Committee (CWRC), the Karnataka government said that it was not in a position to release any water from its reservoirs or contribute any flows from its reservoirs. The Tamil Nadu government, on the other hand, urged the CWRS to release 12,500 causes of water from the Cauvery river. "The Cauvery Water Management Committee meeting is going on and the people of Tamil Nadu have demanded 12,500 cusecs of water. At present, we are in a situation where we cannot even release 5,000 cusecs of water. We will not release that much water because we don't have," Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar told reporters. Cauvery Water Sharing Dispute: Tamil Nadu Farmers Hold Dead Rats in Mouths During Protest Demanding Release of Water From Karnataka (Watch Video).

The 87th Cauvery Water Regulation Committee (CWRCMeet Was Held Earlier in the Day:

Karnataka Govt Refuses to Releases More Cauvery Water:

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