A disturbing incident has come to light from Karnataka's Bengaluru, where a woman was allegedly chased by three men in a vehicle near Koramangala. A distressing video of the incident has also gone viral on social media. Shared on Instagram by a page called Bengaluru Ig, the viral clip shows the panicked woman speaking on a call as she describes the harrowing situation. "They are following us, they are punching the vehicle," the woman is heard saying. The viral clip shows the woman continuing to speak on a call as three men on different bikes chase her. It is reported that the incident took place at around 2 AM near Koramangala. The video, which was shared three days ago, also shows the woman saying, "They are blocking our road, they are in front of our vehicle." Bengaluru Shocker: IIM-B Student Dies After Falling off Second Floor of Hostel, Sparks Debate on Caste Discrimination.

Woman Chased by Three Men Near Koramangala


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