A horrifying incident unfolded in Karnataka's Belagavi, where a nurse was attacked with a machete by a man after she rejected his marriage proposal. The attacker, Prakash Jadhav, entered the hospital premises on Tuesday, waited near the reception, and launched a brutal assault. Despite the attack, the nurse displayed exceptional bravery, managing to fend him off and escape. Prakash and the nurse reportedly lived in the same hospital colony, and he had been harassing her for marriage. After her family rejected his proposal, he resorted to violence. The attack caused panic among patients and staff, many of whom fled the scene. Police quickly arrested Prakash and registered a case against him at Khade Bazar Police Station. He remains in custody, and further investigation is underway. Meerut: Man Drives Thar SUV at High Speed To Deliberately Spread Dust Collected on Vehicle's Roof, Police Respond to Viral Video.
Nurse Attacked in Belagavi
A nurse was attacked by a man with a machete in a hospital in #Karnataka's #Belagavi after she turned down his marriage proposal. A video of the incident that surfaced online, showed the woman bravely fighting the attacker to save herself.
The attacker, identified as… pic.twitter.com/PhALfNiwan
— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) November 29, 2024
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