In a disturbing incident in Maharashtra, a waiter was allegedly beaten and dragged by three men in Beed district. A terrifying video of the incident shows the three men allegedly thrashing the waiter and dragging him by the car for about a kilometre by car after the latter asked them to pay the food bill. The horrific incident occurred on Saturday, September 7, on the Mehkar-Pandharpur highway in Dindrud. The viral clip shows the trio escaping the restaurant without paying the bill. As the video moves further, the three men can be seen assaulting the waiter and abducting him over unpaid bills. It is also reported that the accused stole INR 11,500 cash from the waiter's pocket, blindfolded him and took him to an unknown location, where they held him captive for a night. Sudden Death in Maharashtra: Teacher Dies After Suffering Heart Attack at Petrol Pump Queue in Beed, Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Three Men Assault Waiter in Maharashtra's Beed (Trigger Warning)

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