A shocking video from Uttar Pradesh’s Baghpat district shows two schoolgirls in uniform engaging in a violent fight on a busy road over a boyfriend dispute. The incident occurred on Tuesday in the Sarai area under the Singhwali Police Station as the girls returned from school. In the viral video, the girls can be seen punching, kicking, and pulling each other’s hair while friends tried to intervene. Police confirmed they are investigating the incident based on the video, though no formal complaint has been filed. The SHO of Singhwali Police Station assured appropriate action if a complaint is lodged. This follows a similar case in Maharashtra where two women clashed over a boy and were later counselled. Visakhapatnam: Narrow Escape For Navy Officers After Parachutes Entangle During Descent At Rama Krishna Beach; Video Surfaces.

Baghpat Girl Fight Video

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