On Friday, September 13, the Madhya Pradesh High Court directed an accused booked under the Arms Act, 1959, to plant ten saplings as condition for bail. The state's top court also ordered the accused, Edal Singh, to submit monthly status reports monitoring the growth of the saplings for the next three years. The high court bench of Justice Anand Pathak also directed the accused to plant 10 saplings of either fruit bearing trees or Neem/ Peepal trees. The accused was also asked to make arrangements for fencing to protect the trees. "To ensure compliance, the applicant shall submit all photos of the planted trees/plants to the court within 30 days from the date of release. Thereafter, for the next three years, the applicant shall submit a progress report to the court every month," the order stated. ‘Hunting of Wild Animal Like Tiger in Planned Manner Cannot Be Treated As Normal Offence’: Madhya Pradesh High Court Denies Bail to Men Booked for Poaching Tigress.
HC Asks Accused to Plant 10 Tree Saplings as Condition for Bail
Madhya Pradesh High Court orders man to plant 10 saplings as bail condition, file monthly report monitoring their growth for three years
report by @tiwari_ji_ https://t.co/IAoYwwMEai
— Bar and Bench (@barandbench) September 14, 2024
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