In a shocking case of animal cruelty, Mandeep from Jalandhar, Punjab, was arrested after posting disturbing videos of animals being abused on social media. The videos, shared on Instagram as reels, showed dogs attacking cats, as well as other violent acts, with the animals being deliberately tied up. One video featured Mandeep pulling a dog by its leash as it tried to escape. The posts sparked widespread outrage online, prompting netizens to demand justice for the animals. Following a complaint by concerned individual Yuvi and the Animal Protection Foundation, the police filed an FIR and arrested Mandeep. One dog was rescued, and efforts are underway to locate other animals involved. Telangana Animal Cruelty Horror: Dogs With Their Legs and Mouths Tied Thrown From Bridge in Sangareddy's Eddumailaram Village; 21 Canines Die, 11 Critical.

Animal Cruelty in Punjab (Disturbing Video)


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