In a shocking incident, a man was arrested for brutally torturing a cow in the Mahgawan village of the Panagar police station area in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur. The horrific act, which involved inserting an iron rod into the cow’s mouth and private parts, led to the man's arrest after pictures went viral on social media. Reportedly, the incident occurred when the cow accidentally entered Mansharam Patel’s field. Enraged, Patel mercilessly beat the animal with the rod. The cow’s owner, Ajay Tiwari, filed a complaint at the Panagar police station. Authorities took swift action, registering a case against Patel under the Animal Cruelty Act and arresting him. Animal Cruelty in Madhya Pradesh: Man Throws Street Dog Into River in Ujjain District, FIR Registered.

Man Inserts Iron Rod in Cow’s Private Parts for Tresspassing His Field

Man Inserts Iron Rod in Cow’s Private Parts for Tresspassing His Field in Madhya Pradesh

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