In a heart-wrenching incident, a pregnant tribal woman, delivered a baby girl in middle of hilly terrain in Andhra Pradesh. The incident took place in Alluri Sitharama Raju district of the state. In the video of the incident that surfaced online, the woman can be seen walking down the hill in a devastated state with the help of other local residents. Later in the clip, the locals attempt to carry the woman to the hospital after she collapsed to the ground. However, the woman in labour delivered the child and bled heavily amid lack of road or medical facilities. The ambulance arrived at the spot after the baby was delivered and rushed the child and the woman to a nearby hospital. The video is currently doing rounds on the internet. Madhya Pradesh: Pregnant Woman Delivers Baby on Roadside As Ambulance Was Unable To Reach Her House Due to Damaged Roads in Barwani District (Watch Video).

Pregnant Woman Delivers Baby on Hilly Terrain in Andhra Pradesh

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