A passenger aboard the Amritsar-Katihar Express was brutally assaulted by railway staff after an alcohol-fueled altercation on Wednesday evening. Viral video footage shows 38-year-old Sheikh Majibul Uddin, a truck driver from Siwan, lying unconscious on the train floor, covered in vomit, as two coach attendants kicked and struck him with a belt while hurling abuses. The incident began after Majibul consumed alcohol with coach attendants Vikram Chauhan and Sonu Mehto, following a friendly exchange. When TTE Rajesh Kumar intervened in their dispute, Majibul allegedly slapped him, mistaking him for a coach attendant, escalating the violence. Alerted by passengers, the Government Railway Police (GRP) in Firozabad rescued the injured man and filed charges against the three staff members. Northern Railway has suspended TTE Rajesh Kumar, while the absconding attendants are being pursued. Dehradun Road Rage Video: Man Thrashed on Busy Road in Uttarakhand Following Altercation Between Two-Wheeler Rider and Auto Driver, Disturbing Clip Surfaces.

Man Thrashed Inside Moving Train (Disturbing Video)

Railways Responds After Video Goes Viral 

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