Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Wednesday said that Ahmednagar will be renamed Ahilyanagar after Ahilyabai Holkar. The announcement was made by CM Eknath Shinde in Ahmednagar today, May 31. The announcement comes on a day when Ahilyabai Holkar Jayanti is being celebrated in Maharashtra and across the country today. Ahilyabai Holkar was the hereditary noble queen of the Maratha Empire in early-modern India. Today is the 298th birth anniversary of Ahilyabai Holkar. Ahilyabai Holkar Jayanti 2023 Images & Wishes in Marathi: HD Wallpapers, WhatsApp Messages and Quotes to Share on the Birth Anniversary of the Noble Maratha Queen.
Ahmednagar To Be Renamed As Ahilyanagar
Ahmednagar to be renamed as Ahilyanagar after Ahilyadevi Holkar, announced CM Shinde in Ahmednagar on Wednesday.
— shailesh gaikwad (@shailesh505) May 31, 2023
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