A shocking incident occurred at Uttar Pradesh's Agra Cantt Railway Station on Monday, December 2, when a newborn was found abandoned in the waiting room. The baby, who appeared to have been born just moments earlier, was found lying on the floor with the umbilical cord still attached. A video of the incident has surfaced on social media. The child was left unattended by its mother, who disappeared after abandoning the infant at the station. The Uttar Pradesh Police have launched an investigation to identify the person responsible for the heart-wrenching act. ‘Rescued 4 to 5 Children, Couldn’t Find My Own’: Grieving Parents Share Tragic Ordeal As Blaze Kills 10 Infants at Jhansi Hospital, Demand Strict Action Against Culprits (Watch Video).
Newborn Abandoned at Agra Cantt Railway Station
यूपी में आगरा कैंट स्टेशन के वेटिंग रूम के फर्श पर आज लोगों ने एक नवजात बच्चे को पड़ा देखा. बच्चा का जन्म कुछ देर पहले ही हुआ था और उसकी नाल भी नहीं कटी थी,
लेकिन अचंभित करने वाली बात ये है कि बच्चे को जन्म देने के बाद ही उसकी मां गायब थी. वह उसे फर्श पर पड़ा छोड़कर चली गई थी. pic.twitter.com/P6sIIz70n8
— Madan Mohan Soni (आगरा वासी) (@madanjournalist) December 2, 2024
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