In a shocking incident in Pune's Pimple Gurav area, two people were injured, one critically, after a car collided head-on with a two-wheeler on Wednesday. CCTV footage of the accident shows the SUV dragging the two-wheeler for several metres after the collision. Mankesh Chingnur, the rider of the two-wheeler, sustained serious injuries and is currently receiving treatment at a private hospital. The driver of the car was initially detained but released after the pillion rider declined to file a complaint. However, a case was registered the next day after the victim decided to pursue legal action. The accused driver is now at large, and police have launched a manhunt to apprehend him. The investigation into the accident is ongoing. Mumbai Road Accident: Woman on 2-Wheeler Attempting To Overtake Tanker Dies After Losing Control and Coming Under Wheels, Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Accident in Pune (Disturbing Video)

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