In an unfortunate event, a 27-year-old social media influencer Aanvi Kamdar, from Mumbai died after falling from a hill in Raigad while making an Instagram reel on July 16. Aanvi Kamdar fell 300 feet below the edge off the cliff. Kamdar was rescued alive, according to Superintendent of Police (Raigad) Somnath Gharge, but she succumbed to her injures while undergoing the treatment. Multiple videos of the risky rescue operation surfaced online. Rescuers and police personnel risked their lives to climb down the slippery slope to reach the location where Kamdar was lying. Six rescuers descended the hill, with an additional assistance from 50 other rescuers at the top of the hillock. Kamdar was hoisted up using a stretcher attached to rappelling ropes. Who Was Aanvi Kamdar aka The Glocal Journal? All You Need To Know About Travel Influencer Who Died After Falling Into a 300-Foot Gorge at Kumbhe Waterfall in Maharashtra's Raigad District.
A Team of Six Rescuers Descended the Hill
मुंबई की 27 साल की सोशल मीडिया influencer की रायगढ़ में पहाड़ से गिर कर मौत, रील बनाने के दौरान हुआ हादसा.
— Vivek Gupta (@imvivekgupta) July 18, 2024
अतिउत्साही पावसाळी पर्यटन बेततंय तरुणांच्या जीवावर
कुंभे येथे इंस्टाग्रामसाठी रील बनवायला गेलेली मुंबई येथील २७ वर्षीय तरुणी पाय घसरून ३०० फूट दरी मध्ये कोसळली
व्यवसायाने चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट व प्रसिद्ध इंस्टाग्राम सोशल मीडिया इन्फ्लुएन्सर असलेल्या ''आनवी कामदार'' हिचा दरीत पडुन…
— Ashish (@error040290) July 18, 2024
Travel Influencer Aanvi Kamdar Dies While Filming Reel Near Kumbhe Waterfall
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