Ajit Pawar shared a heartwarming moment with his mother after taking the oath as Maharashtra's Deputy Chief Minister for a record sixth time. The photo shows Ajit Pawar with his proud mother, as both of them smile. In an adorable post on social media, the senior Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader, known for his political resilience, expressed gratitude for the support of his family, particularly his mother. On December 5, Ajit Pawar was sworn in as Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, along with Eknath Shinde. Devendra Fadnavis took oath as the Maharashtra CM for his third term at the top job. ‘Main to Lene Wala Hoon’: Ajit Pawar and Eknath Shinde Engage in Fun Banter Over Media Question on Deputy CM (Watch Video).

Ajit Pawar With Mother

Ajit Pawar With Family

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