The seventh episode of the Disney+ series X-Men '97 marks the debut of Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, in the show. Voiced by Josh Keaton, who previously voiced the character in What If...?, Captain America becomes the first Avenger to appear in X-Men '97. In this episode, Cap is sent to confront Rogue, and later, he provides her with information about Gyrich, whom she has been pursuing in her quest to uncover the mastermind behind the genocide in Genosha. However, the encounter takes an unexpected turn when Rogue hurls Captain's iconic shield miles away and instructs him to retrieve it. This scene undoubtedly left many Marvel fans amused. X-Men ‘97 on OTT: Here’s How To Watch Marvel Studios’ Action-Packed Animated Series Online!
Check Out Their Reactions Here:
This is literally the most petty thing you could do to Captain America 😭 #XMen97
— Kambit🃏 (@kamkenobi) April 24, 2024
That Homelander Reaction
Captain America seeing Rogue throw his shield 100 miles away:
— BLURAYANGEL 🦇 (@blurayangel) April 24, 2024
We Can All Imagine That Long Walk...
Captain America going to find his shield after Rogue threw it away#XMen97
— David Grimmett (@TheDGrimmett) April 24, 2024
'Take A Couple of Breaths and...'
Captain America going for his shield after Rogue dashed it across the continent #XMen97
— Hadeed "Bhaijaan" Butt (@mhadeedbutt) April 24, 2024
'Soldier Boy'
Captain America chose a side. Rogue told him to go fetch soldier boy! #XMen97
— Biñas (@jaspercalvo) April 24, 2024
Those Jokes Keep Running...
Captain America after Rogue flew off in today's ep#Xmen97
— Jax (@JaxBladeFitness) April 25, 2024
A Heartbroken Cap Fan
I dont really like how Captain America was portrayed in the recent X-Men 97 episode
— vishanti 🗽 (@OwnerOfVishanti) April 24, 2024
ICYMI, Here's the Captain America Scene From the Episode:
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