Anupamaa and Kumkum Bhagya actor Rushad Rana actor tied the knot with his girlfriend Ketaki Walawalkar recently. While a lot of his industry friends and well-wishers wished him on social media, Rushad and Ketaki's reception was star-studded. Delnaaz Irani, Nandish Sandhu, Krishna Kaul, Rushad's Kumkum Bhagya co-actors, Tasneem Sheikh, Mimoh Chakraborty with his wife Madalsa Sharma Chakraborty and many others attended the function. TOI shared pictures on its social media handle. Kumkum Bhagya Actor Rushad Rana Gets Married to Girlfriend Ketaki Walawalkar! (View Pic).
Take A Look:
Delnaaz Irani, Krishna Kaul And Rushad's Kumkum Bhagya Co-stars
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Guests Posing With The Newly Weds
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Rushad's Anupamaa Co-actor Madalsa Sharma Attends The Function With Her Husband Mimoh
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