Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, is currently the talk of the town. Amidst the huge hype surrounding the controversial reality show, the makers recently dropped a promo featuring Salman Khan and also announced the premiere date. Recent reports suggested that Dheeraj Dhoopar, Rithvikk Dhanjani and Nia Sharma were speculated to be the first set of confirmed contestants for BB 18. However, on Tuesday (September 24), Rithvikk Dhanjani refuted the rumours through a social media post. Taking to his Instagram stories, the Pavitra Rishta actor re-shared a media post and wrote, "False news! It's not my cup of tea; it's too much work to get locked up, and I like it that way. Requesting media, please let's not make incorrect headlines with my name, there's enough good things to talk about." ‘Bigg Boss 18’: Transgender Actress Shubhi Sharma To Be Part of Salman Khan’s Reality Show – Reports.
Rithvik Dhanjani Not a Part of ‘BB 18’
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