Naveen Kasturia, known for his performances in TVF’s Pitchers and Aspirants, has tied the knot with Shubhanjali Sharma. The intimate wedding was graced by his Aspirants co-stars, including Shivankit Singh Parihar, Namita Dubey and others. Namita shared a few glimpses from the event, showcasing the ‘wedding crew’ and a beautiful shot taken after the ceremony. Actress Harshita Shekhar Gaur also posted heartfelt photos, tagging the newlyweds in her posts. Check out these precious moments from the wedding below. ‘Balika Vadhu’ Actress Aasiya Kazi Marries Gulshan R Nain, Shares Wedding Photos.

Naveen Kasturia Wedding Pic

(Photo Credits: Instagram/@namita_dubey)

The Crew at Naveen Kasturia’s Wedding

(Photo Credits: Instagram/@namita_dubey)

The Bride & Groom

(Photo Credits: Instagram/@harshita1210)

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