Kareena Kapoor Khan and Aamir Khan recently graced the sets of Koffee With Karan season 7. The two had a gala time shedding light on the various subjects related to the Bollywood industry and also revealing tit bits of their personal life. Netizens who follow the show have posted their views on the episode. While many have liked it, there is also a section of the audience which has thrashed the Kareena and Aamir. Koffee With Karan Season 7: Aamir Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Episode to Stream Early on Disney+ Hotstar at This Time!

Take a look:

One of the best episodes

Some seem to have a different view

Kareena and Aamir destroying Akshay Kumar on the new Koffee with Karan episode 😭

— Tribal Chief (@Arm_Of_Bucky) August 3, 2022


Fans are excited to watch the episode!

Did Aamir and Kareena actually roast Karan?

Netizens shower love for Kareena

Some call it the most ‘vegetarian’ episode of Koffee With Karan

What are your thoughts on the episode? Let us know in the comment section below! Keep reading LatestLY for more information on your favourite celebrities from Bollywood and the Television industry!

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