The highly anticipated Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 made its grand debut on Monday, August 12. The popular quiz-based show returned after 15 seasons, with megastar Amitabh Bachchan returning as the show's host. The premiere episode saw Amitabh Bachchan back in an old fun avatar, interacting with contestants and doing what he does best. KBC 16's first contestant, Utkarsh Baxi, had a phenomenal start but failed to answer the INR 25 lakh question in the later stages, ultimately taking home INR 3,20,000 winning prize. As soon as the episode aired, social media was abuzz with reactions, with most of the attention focused on Big B’s impressive return. One user wrote, "Amitabh bachan OG The crorepati craze is still bcz of this person", while another one commented, "Welcome Back Sir." check out their reactions.   ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 16’: Amitabh Bachchan Fulfills a Sweet Request From Contestant Dipali Soni, Records a Customised Caller Tune for Her (Watch Promo).

Netizens React to ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 16’ Premiere Episode

A User Wrote -

Sometimes, Maybe

‘The Crorepati Craze Is Still Bcz of This Person’

‘Welcome Back Sir’

‘What a Powerful Soul’

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