The classic film Hum Saath Saath Hai has left an indelible mark on the hearts of countless viewers. Recently, nostalgia struck when two of its leading stars, Karisma Kapoor and Sonali Bendre, reunited on the sets of India's Best Dancer Season 3. On the dance reality show, Karisma made a special appearance as a guest, while Sonali played the role of a judge. Together, they danced to the iconic song "Mhare Hiwde Mein Naache Mor", delighting fans and rekindling cherished memories from the film's golden era. Sonali shared a video of their dance on her Instagram handle, bringing joy to fans who had longed to see them together again after decades. Karisma Kapoor's Pickle Green Anarkali Will Burn a Hole In Your Pocket!
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