TV actor Hitesh Bharadwaj, who shot to fame with Udaariyaan, is winning hearts as Rajat in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. The Star Plus show has kept viewers hooked to their screens with its engaging story and unexpected twists. Hitesh, who is quite active on social media, loves updating his fans about his daily routine. On Wednesday morning, the GHKKPM actor took to his Instagram handle to show fans how he kickstarts his day. The first snap showed him enjoying a steaming cup of coffee, while the next story featured a video from his early morning workout session. Visibly tired from his gym session, Rajat winked as he recorded a video flexing his toned physique. ‘Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin’: Bhavika Sharma Aka Savi and Hitesh Bharadwaj Aka Rajat Win Custody Battle for Sai (Watch Video).

Coffee Is a Must!

(Photo Credits: Instagram)

 Gymday Everyday!

(Photo Credits: Instagram)

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