Dhanashree Verma, choreographer and wife of cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal has shared her first social media post amidst swirling divorce rumours. Taking to Instagram, she posted heartfelt photos with her mother. Dressed in a simple blue sweater with minimal makeup, she is seen resting her head on her mother’s shoulder, her eyes gently closed, drawing strength from the tender moment. The serene backdrop and her subdued expression hint at an emotional yet comforting connection. She dropped a white heart emoji, allowing the images to convey the depth of her bond with her mother. ‘My Silence Is Not a Sign of Weakness, but of Strength’, Dhanashree Verma Lashes Out at Faceless Trolls As Rumours of Divorce With Husband Yuzvendra Chahal Gain Momentum (See Post).
Dhanashree Verma Posts Photos With Mother Amid Divorce Rumours
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