Actor Nakuul Mehta is breaking stereotypes. Recently, the Bade Achhee Lage Hai 3 actor shared a video where he is dancing with New York-based choreographer Jainil Mehta wearing pink and orange colour skirts. They danced to "Hawaa Hawaa" song from the movie Rockstar and no doubt both of the nailed it. Taking to Instagram, Nakuul wrote, "I found @jainil_dreamtodance on a BRUT video sashaying gloriously to Dholi Taro on the streets of New York a few months ago and was instantly drawn to his spirit and art. He apparently on the other side of the 7 seas would end his days with his daily dose of his favourite show, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain (red heart emoji). That called for a celebration to one of our favourite songs (champagne bottle emoji) #MenInSkirts." Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 3 First Promo Out! Nakuul Mehta and Disha Parmar Are Returning As Ram and Priya From May 25 (Watch Video).
Check Out The Video Here:
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