Bigg Boss fame and actor Ajaz Khan's wife, Fallon Guliwala, was arrested by the customs department on Thursday (28 November) in alleged connection to drugs case. On October 8, the agency arrested Khan's employee Suraj Gaud, for allegedly ordering 100g of mephedrone (MDMA) via a courier from a European country. According to reports, the drugs were delivered to an office in Andheri, Mumbai. Customs officials searched her Jogeshwari home and reportedly seized 130 grams of marijuana and various narcotics. ‘EVM Ka Khel Hai Sab’, Says Bigg Boss Fame Ajaz Khan As He Gets Lesser Votes Than NOTA in Versova Seat of Maharashtra

Ajaz Khan's Post

Ajaz Khan Talks About Family

(Disclaimer: The site only provides an informational overview of the health and legal implications of cannabis (marijuana), and please be mindful that possessing, using, distributing and/or selling marijuana is a crime in many countries, including India.)

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