Actor, social media figure and former Bigg Boss contestant Ajaz Khan has brought an important topic to light after his recent stay at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Ahmedabad. Taking to his Instagram handle, Ajaz Khan pointed out that for many years, the toilets of the hotel have a artwork depicting the Jama Masjid. In his post, Azag shared his observation and requested action from the hotel management regarding the same. In the same video, we also saw a staff member of the hotel remove the pictures from the toilets following Ajaz Khan's request. Responding to him in the comment section, the official social media handle of Radisson Blu Ahmedabad thanked Ajaz for his observation and stated that they had no intention of hurting any religious sentiments. However, based on his request, the action was taken immediately. They even apologized for unknowingly hurting anyone's sentiments. ‘Bigg Boss’ Fame Ajaz Khan’s Wife Fallon Guliwala ARRESTED in Drugs Case; Investigation Ongoing.
Ajaz Khan Requests Radisson Blu Ahmedabad To Remove the Artwork
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Ajaz Khan Thanks Radisson Blu Ahmedabad Staff for Their Swift Action
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