The latest Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Salman Khan's Bigg Boss 18 saw Ram Charan and Kiara Advani as guests. The actors joined the reality show to promote their upcoming film, Game Changer. Now, a clip from the latest episode has gone viral on the internet where housemates Rajat Dalal, Karanveer Mehra, Vivian Dsena and Avinash Mishra join Ram Charan to shake a leg to the Telugu Superstar's Oscar-winning track, "Naatu Naatu". A user on X (previously Twitter) shared the clip where, the boys could be seen pumped as they nailed the hook step of the global hit song along with the OG, Ram Charan. Game Changer is scheduled for a grand theatrical release on January 10, 2025. ‘Bohot Pyare Lagtey Ho Bathroom Mein’: Rajat Dalal’s Mother Mocks Chum Darang and Karanveer Mehra’s Viral Kiss Controversy on ‘Bigg Boss 18’ (Watch Video).
‘Bigg Boss 18’ x ‘Naatu Naatu’
Naatu Naatu 🤸🏻 #RamCharan #BiggBoss18
— Sohail Khan ッ (@PSNKhere) January 4, 2025
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