Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, is preparing for its grand premiere. Amidst the huge hype surrounding the upcoming season of the reality show, speculations surrounding the possible contestants have also become a hot topic of discussion. While names like Shoaib Ibrahim and Debchandrima Singha Roy are confirmed to be a part of the show, the latest reports reveal that Naina, India's first AI influencer, will also participate in the show. As per the reports, makers are planning to include Naina, who is an AI-generated model, in the show in the upcoming season to match the new season's theme 'Time Ka Taandav' / 'past, present, future'. Reacting to the reports of her joining BB 18, Naina said, "Really? Even I didn't know." 'Bigg Boss 18’ Promo Featuring Host Salman Khan to Drop During the Weekend – Reports.

Naina To Be a Part of ‘BB 18’?

AI Influencer Naina Reacts to Rumours of Her ‘BB 18’ Participation

(Photo Credits: @naina_avtr/ Instagram)

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