Ram Charan and Kiara Advani are gearing up for the release of their movie, Game Changer. Directed by S Shankar, the Telugu action drama will hit the big screens on January 10. As a part of the promotions, Ram Charan and Kiara Advani reached Salman Khan's Bigg Boss 18 house during Saturday's (January 4) Weekend Ka Vaar episode. During their interaction, the Telugu star expressed his excitement for Bhijaan's next, Sikandar. In a video from the episode going viral, Ram Charan could be heard telling the BB18 host, "Salman bhai, thoda der hogaya. Aapka Sikandar bhi dekhna hai humko." To which Bhaijaan replied that it would arrive on Eid. Kiara and Ram Charan both shared that they loved the teaser of Sikandar. For the unversed, the teaser for AR Murugadoss' Sikandar was released on December 28, a day after Salman Khan's birthday. ‘Bigg Boss 18’ x ‘Game Changer’: Karanveer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, Avinash Mishra and Rajat Dalal Join Ram Charan To Dance to the Viral Hit ‘Naatu Naatu’ (Watch Video).

‘Game Changer’ Stars Ram Charan and Kiara Advani Express Excitement for Salman Khan’s ‘Sikandar’


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