This week, Bigg Boss 18 contestants are experiencing heartfelt reunions with their loved ones. Last night, Shilpa Shirodkar’s daughter, Chaahat Pandey and Eisha Singh’s mother entered the house. Tonight (January 2), Vivian Dsena’s wife, Nouran Aly, will join the Salman Khan show. Amid this, a video has gone viral which sees Nouran showering praise on Chaahat’s beauty and dignified game on BB18, even dubbing her "Madhubala 2." This playful comment references Vivian’s iconic role in the popular Colors show Madhubala alongside Drashti Dhami. Could this hint by Aly spark a potential collaboration between Vivian and Chaahat for a Madhubala sequel? ‘Let’s Go Party’: Shehnaaz Gill Wishes Fans Happy New Year 2025 in Style, Shares Gorgeous Pics on Instagram.
Vivian Dsena’s Wife Nouran Aly Is Impressed With Chaahat Pandey
nouran saying "i like you the most" to chahat and then them blowing flying kisses to each other, SO FUCKING CUTE. 😭❤️
i hope they don't edit this out in the episode 👉🏻👈🏻
ps - chahat's brother name is rahat LMAOOOO 😭😭 #ChahatPandey • #BiggBoss18
— pαlαĸ (@wannabecurious9) January 1, 2025
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