Recently, actress Isha Malviya and her boyfriend Samarth Jurel grabbed eyeballs after they shared an intimate moment under the blanket inside the Bigg Boss 17 house. Their moment was interrupted by Isha’s ex, Abhishek Kumar. Now, the two are once again in the headlines for their intimacy in public. Samarth and Isha, who are currently the contenders for the show, were caught kissing on the cameras. This viral footage from Bigg Boss 17 is going highly viral on the internet, with users trolling the duo for the shameful act on Indian television. Bigg Boss 17: After Isha Malviya Confirms Relationship with Samarth Jurel; Abhishek Kumar and Khanzaadi Develop Closeness!
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Nibba Nibbi continuing their pyaar in Bigg Boss 17 house
— #BiggBoss_Tak👁 (@BiggBoss_Tak) November 10, 2023
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