Priyanka Chahar Choudhary took to her social media platform to share a captivating reel alongside Ankit Gupta. The talented actors beautifully showcased their chemistry in this romantic reel, dancing to the tunes of "Phir Aur Kya Chahiye" from the song Zara Hatke Zara Bachke. Priyanka couldn't contain her excitement as she captioned the video, "Ye haseen waadiyaan, ye khula asmaan aur waha hum dono, ek reel toh Banti hai Hai na!!" The moment the reel hit the internet, fans and friends poured into the comment section, expressing their admiration. Khatron Ke Khiladi 13: Shiv Thakare and Archana Gautam's Irresistible Chemistry Steals The Spotlight In Dance Video!.
Check Out The Video Here:
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