Bigg Boss 15 contestant Umar Riaz, brother of Asim Riaz, has landed in legal trouble. An individual named Faizan Ansari has filed a complaint against Umar for not crediting the branded wardrobe that he’s donning in Bigg Boss’ house. A video has surfaced online in which Faizan is seen holding a placard that features Umar Riaz’s picture with ‘boycott’ written on it and he also displayed the copy of police complaint filed by him. While addressing to the reporters, Faizan revealed that he had supplied designer clothes to Umar and the latter has not tagged the label correctly on social media and hence an action is being taken against him. He also revealed that Umar has deliberately tagged some other designer labels in his posts and that’s illegal.
Faizan Ansari’s Video On Filing Police Complaint Against Umar Riaz
Breaking #BiggBoss15#FaizAnsari Talks to media after filing police complaint against #UmarRiaz regarding his desingner cloths in the house
— The Khabri (@TheRealKhabri) December 7, 2021
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