Pandya Store actor Akshay Kharodia has announced his separation from wife Divya Punetha after two years of marriage. The couple, who tied the knot in 2021, will continue to co-parent their daughter, Ruhi. Akshay took to Instagram to share the news with a series of heartfelt photos, including their wedding moments and precious times with their baby girl. In his emotional note, he wrote, “With a heavy heart, I want to share a deeply personal update. After much thought and countless emotional conversations, Divya and I have decided to part ways.” He further requested, “This is not an easy moment for our family, and we ask for your understanding, kindness, and privacy as we navigate this challenging time. Please remember us not for this moment of separation, but for the love and joy we once shared.” Divya Agarwal Breaks Silence on Separation Rumours With Husband Apurva Padgaonkar, Writes ‘What They Expecting Now – The Babies or Divorce?’.

Akshay Kharodia and Divya Punetha Separation


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