The much-anticipated teaser for Ajith Kumar's upcoming film Vidaamuyarchi was dropped on Thursday, November 28. The one-minute and forty-eight-second clip shows the OG Thala in his signature white hair secretly working on a mission. The initial part of the clip also introduces the characters played by Trisha Krishnan, Regina Cassandra and Arjun Sarja. Contrary to the teaser's first half, the concluding part features high-voltage car action scenes, where we see the Tamil superstar go all in. Vidaamuyarchi is directed by Magizh Thirumeni and bankrolled by Lyca Productions. Anirudh Ravichander handles the music in the film. Excitement builds as fans continue to await more updates on the film. Vidaamuyarchi is slated for a Pongal 2025 release. ‘Vidaa Muyarchi’: Trisha Krishnan Drops BTS Pics With Ajith Kumar and Other Cast Members; Don't Miss Thala’s All-White Look!.
Watch ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ Teaser Below:
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