Ajith Kumar's Vidaamuyarchi, co-starring Trisha Krishnan, is set to hit the big screens on Pongal 2025. After releasing an action-packed teaser last month, the makers have been sharing frequent updates on social media. In the latest update, they unveiled photos of the lead actors and director Magizh Thirumeni from the final leg of the film's shoot in Bangkok. In the pictures, Ajith Kumar is seen in a black tuxedo and bow, with a red pocket square. His look perfectly matches his salt-and-pepper hairstyle. Meanwhile, his leading lady, Trisha Krishnan, looks stunning in a grey saree with a red border. Sharing the post, the makers wrote, "Ajith Kumar and Trisha dazzle together at the Vidaamuyarchi shooting spot." The movie also features Arjun Sarja and Regina Cassandra in key roles. ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ Teaser: Did You Spot This ‘IT’ Character Cameo in the Promo of Ajith Kumar and Trisha Krishnan’s Upcoming Thriller?.
Ajith Kumar and Trisha Krishnan Shoot for ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ in Bangkok
Ajith Kumar and Trisha dazzle together at the Vidaamuyarchi shooting spot. ❤️ #VidaaMuyarchi From Pongal 2025 #EffortsNeverFail#AjithKumar #MagizhThirumeni @LycaProductions #Subaskaran @gkmtamilkumaran @trishtrashers @akarjunofficial @anirudhofficial @Aravoffl… pic.twitter.com/TWNe8DS3PY
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) December 17, 2024
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