Rajinikanth's highly awaited film Vettaiyan, directed by TJ Gnanavel, will soon be released in the theatres. After releasing the first single, "Manasilaayo", the makers are now dropping character updates from the upcoming Tamil film. Earlier, the character posters of Ritika Singh and Dushara Vijayan were released. On Tuesday, they shared a glimpse of the character poster for the "Manasilaayo" sensation, Manju Warrier. The video offers several glimpses of her character, Thara, including a moment where she interacts with Amitabh Bachchan alongside the main star, Rajinikanth. However, the update did not reveal much about her character, building the hype for future updates. Bankrolled by Lyca Productions, Vettaiyan also features Fahadh Faasil and Rana Daggubati in key roles. The movie will hit the theatres on October 10. ‘Vettaiyan’: Ritika Singh Is Fierce As Lady Cop Roopa in Rajinikanth and TJ Gnanavel’s Action Film! (Watch Video).

Manju Warrier’s First Look From Rajinikanth’s ‘Vettaiyan’ Revealed!

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