Thalaivar Rajinikanth's upcoming film Vettaiyan, directed by TJ Gnanavel, has created a lot of buzz among fans, especially due to its cast. While the film is still under production, the makers dropped a huge and exciting update on Sunday, April 7. Taking to their social media accounts, the makers dropped a new poster of Rajinikanth and announced the release month for the film. Lyca Productions took to their X (previously Twitter) handle and dropped a new poster of the Tamil superstar and wrote, "Kuri vechachu. VETTAIYA is all set to take charge in cinemas this OCTOBER Get ready to chase down the prey!" The film will be released in the theatres in October, with the aim of the Navratri holidays. Rajinikanth stars in the lead role and will portray the role of a cop in the film. The TJ Gnanavel directorial also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Fahad Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Manju Warrier, Ritika Singh and Dushara Vijayan in key roles. Rajinikanth Attends Special Screening of Manjummel Boys in Chennai, Thalaiva Clicks Pics With the Team.
Check Out Vettaiyan Poster and Release Month Details Here:
Kuri vechachu. 🎯 VETTAIYAN 🕶️ is all set to take charge in cinemas 📽️ this OCTOBER 🗓️ Get ready to chase down the prey! 🦅😎#VETTAIYAN 🕶️ @rajinikanth @SrBachchan @tjgnan @anirudhofficial @LycaProductions #Subaskaran @gkmtamilkumaran #FahadhFaasil @RanaDaggubati @ManjuWarrier4…
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) April 7, 2024
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