‘Rocking Star’ Yash has joined forces with renowned filmmaker Geethu Mohandas for the upcoming project Toxic. The film, initially known as Yash 19, had its title officially announced on December 8, 2023. The makers have confirmed the theatrical release of Toxic is scheduled for April 10, 2025. According to recent reports from Filmfare, Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is set to share the screen with Yash in this action-oriented film produced by KVN Productions and Monster Mind Creations. An official announcement on the same is awaited. Yash 19 Is Titled Toxic! Yash and Geetu Mohandas’ Mass Film To Arrive in Theatres on April 10, 2025 (Watch Promo Video).

Kareena Kapoor Khan In Toxic Movie

Check Out The Title Announcement Video Of Toxic Movie Below:

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