Thalapathy Vijay's latest cinematic endeavour, The Greatest of All Time (The GOAT), has defied expectations, delivering a resounding box office success despite receiving mixed reviews across South India. The film's opening weekend performance has been nothing short of remarkable, reaffirming Vijay's unparalleled star power and the enduring appeal of Tamil cinema. Though the film has not yet achieved a complete game-changer status for Tamil cinema in North India, its performance is nonetheless noteworthy. As per Taran Adarsh, The GOAT has garnered an impressive INR 12.56 crore in India, accounting for both Tamil, Telugu and Hindi versions. ‘The Greatest of All Time’ Movie Review: Thalapathy Vijay Experiments With ‘Shades’ in Venkat Prabhu’s Wildly Faltering Fan-Tribute (LatestLY Exclusive).
'The GOAT' Box Office Update
#GOAT dips on the make-or-break Monday, after a decent score in its 4-day *extended* weekend... Moving forward, maintaining Monday's levels during the remaining weekdays is essential.
[Week 1] Thu 2.80 cr, Fri 1.90 cr, Sat 3.10 cr, Sun 3.41 cr, Mon 1.35 cr. Total: ₹ 12.56 cr.…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 10, 2024
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