Amid the growing outrage over the DMK-led government's handling of the Anna University sexual assault case, actor-politician Thalapathy Vijay also voiced his thoughts about implementing women's safety measures in Tamil Nadu. In the latest update, Bussy Anand, general secretary of Tamizhaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), has been arrested in Chennai for distributing a letter written by the Tamil star to the public as a notice regarding the Anna University sexual assault case. Anand, who is currently being held in a college accompanied Thalapathy Vijay as they met Govermor RN Ravi on Monday, December 30. Anna University Sexual Assault Case: Tamil Nadu BJP Chief K Annamalai Whips Himself 6 Times to Protest Against DMK Government (Watch Video).

TVK General Secretary Bussy Anand Arrested in Chennai

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